Paris, Paul Rosenberg, Exposition d'oeuvres récentes de Picasso, 1936, no. 13 (titled Devant la glace )
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1964
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1965
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1967
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1968
Palm Beach, The Society of the Four Arts, The Collection of Mrs. John Wintersteen: An exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, 1969, no. 35, illustrated
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1969
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1970
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1971
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summer Loan Exhibition, 1972
San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor and The Santa Barbara Museum of Art, The Collection of Mrs. John Wintersteen, 1966, no. 28, illustrated
New York, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, We Make Any Size of Mirror, 2006, n.n., n.p., illustrated in color in a photograph of the exhibition
Paris, Musée Picasso and London, Tate Modern, Picasso 1932: Love, Fame Tragedy, 2017-18, no. 74 (Paris); n.n., p. 134, illustrated (London)
New York, Gagosian, Picasso's Women: Fernande to Jacqueline, 2019, n.n., p. 75, illustrated in color; pp. 76-77, detail illustrated in color